
Focused on growth from the bottom up

PCJ Investment Counsel Ltd. (PCJ) provides discretionary investment management of Canadian equity securities to pension plan sponsors, corporations and mutual funds. PCJ’s distinctive growth-oriented approach enables clients to offset other investment styles, thereby reducing overall risk in their portfolios.

Our strategies

Our consistent process and research platform supports the following strategies

PCJ Canadian Large
Cap Equity

The strategy typically includes 40-50 securities with market capitalizations exceeding $1 billion. Launched in 1996, the strategy is well-suited for clients seeking to achieve style diversification as part of a multi-manager structure.

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PCJ Canadian Small
Cap Equity

Focused on companies whose float-adjusted market capitalizations range from $100 million to $3.5 billion. Launched in 2000, the strategy includes up to 85 securities.

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PCJ Absolute Return

A fundamental equity focused market neutral strategy. Launched in 2011, this strategy invests in long and short positions of listed securities within North America.

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PCJ Sustainable
Canadian Equity

Launched in 2020, the PCJ Sustainable Canadian Equity strategy is a long only, Canadian all-cap strategy.

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Our team

PCJ employs an active approach that blends an initial top-down perspective with bottom-up fundamental research focusing on stock selection.

Responsible investing

At PCJ, we believe that responsible corporate behaviour with respect to Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) factors should have a
positive influence on long-term financial performance.

Connor, Clark & Lunn
Financial Group Ltd.

PCJ Investment Counsel Ltd. (PCJ) is part of Connor, Clark & Lunn Financial Group Ltd. (CC&L Financial Group), an independently owned multi-boutique asset management firm whose affiliates are collectively responsible for over $139 billion in assets under management on behalf of institutional, private and retail clients.

Our affiliation with the Connor Clark & Lunn Group Ltd. allows us to focus on what we do best – making investments and working closely with company management teams to build value. Together, we provide a broad range of distinct and independently managed traditional and alternative investment products and services to investors through a diverse family of affiliates.

PCJ Investment Counsel Ltd.
July 1st, 2022